Héritage & Culture otherwise

HERITAGE is an association founded in 2008. Its vocation is to develop the actions of promotion and sensitivity of the public, educational activities, to undertake research and to diffuse knowledge relating to heritage and to architecture of Saintes and the Poitou Charentes.

It maintains special relations of partnership with schools, training adults and people with difficulties or disabilities. Sharing Culture must be developed among people who are too isolated from usual cultural offerings.

HERITAGE has 30 members who are specialised in Cultural, Monumental, Natural and Intangible Heritage. HERITAGE organizes conferences and also animations accessible to everyone. We also work with private meetings and tourism organizations.

You want to discover our region? Feel free to contact us and we'll design a personalized intervention, depending on your needs. We rejoin you where you live in our area: contact us
Beyond any classification, in any period and in all its forms, concrete or abstract, is Heritage not a very important part of the story of "Human Adventure"?
Just as if the art of building were a reflection of the way of life of the people...

Heritage & culture should be accessible to all

Heritage is an association of a team of professional animators and order to enable all public easy access to cultural achievements of Inheritance, our teams have the characteristic to join them in their workplace or residence.

The cultural heritage of each nation is a link in the human adventure, an alliance towards harmony and brotherhood. This is the best story we can share.

The definition of Heritage changes just as society changes. Today, the promotion of Heritage does not simply involve opening monuments to the public, but is also one of the most important tools for the self-defining research of a city, of a population.

Heritage is a picture of the “collective memory” for a community. Preserving values in monuments is still essential. But today, in our contemporary society, the knowledge of the city and urban evolution also gives an opportunity for inhabitants, to deepen their understanding of the relationship between tangible and intangible heritage.

Ancient sites, sites or areas of various scales, including individual buildings, historic cities or urban landscapes, derive their significance and distinctive character from their perceived social and historic, artistic, natural, scientific, or other cultural values. The urban evolution brings us to focus on the relationship that links inhabitants to places and objects we consider as "heritage» and through which these places and objects acquire meaning and value.

Inhabitants have to understand, to identify and to appreciate the spirit of their town.
How do we manage different perceptions of intangible values associated with place?

HERITAGE " is an essential element in the social construction. Heritage, both culturally and economically, is today at the heart of local dynamics working towards producing a sense of identity. Inspired by various official organisations, elements from the local environment and history are selected and used to recompose a heritage which creates identity and authenticity.

Heritage fascinates people and attracts visitors, enriching everyday life from generation to generation.

But how do we go about improving the living conditions for inhabitants of heritage, its meaning and values? How do we discover, interpret and communicate the wealth and the spirit of a city with people who are isolated, so far away from festive and cultural apppointment?

Change minds and habits. Mobilize our skills and passions to live together and share the cultural wealth of our country.



Over two thousand years ago, Saintes was the capital of one of the tribes of Gaul called "the Santons" and of the Roman province of Aquitania.

It became very early an important religious centre with several important monasteries, including l’Abbaye aux Dames and the Prieuré Saint Eutrope, one of the stops on the road of pilgrims to Santiago de Compostella.

The 18th and 19th centuries brought major changes to the town, with the construction of beautiful classical houses, wide thoroughfares and finally, the railway.
Today, Saintes is a cultural centre, with an important architectural and historic interest for tourists and depends on the network of "Towns and Areas of art and history."


tous droits réservés   |   Pour tout Contact : Cécile TREBUCHET - directrice Héritage 06 82 50 86 46
- Siège social : "Héritage, association pour le partage culturel" - 17A Route de Beauseuil - 17100 Fontcouverte
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Patrimoine et culture autrement
Partage Culturel Association 1901 - Poitou-Charentes
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